Foundations of Energy Healing Course
The Foundations of Energy Healing is the ultimate primer class for tapping into the world of multidimensions and quantum healing. It closely follows the book, Foundations of Energy Healing: The Essential Guide for Opening into the Quantum Field (formerly 4th-Dimensional Healing: A Guidebook for a New Paradigm of Healing).
Foundations of Energy Healing: The Essential Guide for Opening into the Quantum Field
In this engaging and expansive book. Randi has created a veritable textbook of information on spiritual progression, the human energy system, developing your intuition, and working with spirit guides. Distilling twenty years of experience as an energy healer, she teaches techniques for opening your senses into the quantum field and developing your unique healing skills.
Listening Library
These FREE recordings are a collection of bonus materials published in the Foundations of Energy Healing book, as well as Guided Visualizations and Hypnosis sessions previously recorded by Randi.