Your Dose of Truth: Starseed Messages of Guidance from our Galactic Friends
by Randi Botnick
This eBook consists of over 100 messages, channeled directly from High-Dimensional Masters, for consistent spiritual and energetic support.
Each message in this eBook is aligned with the world of changes we are living through and how you can hold yourself in the highest vibration available to us. The guidance is designed to bring us closer to our Mastery. Messages may include insights, inspiration and home practices.
The group healing meditations are designed to bring you more fully into the vibration of Love. Each one is different, offering healing light Rays, colorful imagery and powerful mantras for maintaining a high vibration even through challenging times.
Only $12.99
Foundations of Energy Healing: The Essential Guide for Opening Into the Quantum Field
by Randi Botnick
In this engaging and expansive book. Randi Botnick has created a veritable textbook of information on spiritual progression, the human energy system, developing your intuition, and working with spirit guides. Distilling twenty years of experience as an energy healer, she teaches techniques for opening your senses into the quantum field and developing your unique healing skills.
Foundations of Energy Healing (previously titled 4th-Dimensional Healing) presents the information and tools for all of us to become comfortable with our gifts and develop relationships with spirit guides and Light beings. Included are practices to develop muscle-testing and healing techniques, as well as visualizations and incantations to advance your personal healing and enhance your business.
Read Reviews of Foundations of Energy Healing:
What if that which we perceive with our five senses were only a small piece of all there is to experience?
In this engaging and provocative book, Randi Botnick offers a well-rounded compilation of spiritual beliefs and learned techniques. Distilling twenty years of experience as an energy healer, she explains the basics of opening our senses to the fourth dimension and creating our own connections with spirit guides and healing teams.
4th-Dimensional Healing offers the information and tools for us all to become comfortable with our gifts and develop relationships with other-dimensional beings. It is replete with information about perceiving and accessing our intuitive abilities, recognizing the energy bodies that influence our physical experience, and understanding the spiritual realm. Also included are examples of the author’s healing techniques and processes.
4th-Dimensional Healing is a profound, beautiful and mesmerizing spirituality book written by the incredibly talented, Randi Botnick whose words will delight and entertain readers from start to finish. Randi throughout her book takes her readers on an unforgettable journey which will move, delight and inspire its readers in many ways. As I read 4th-Dimensional Healing, I felt moved as well as charmed and educated thanks to the incredible words and wisdom laced throughout the book as well as Randi’s charming literature. If you are a reader who is fascinated by the 4th dimension and are looking for healing techniques and processes, and how you can connect with other-dimensional beings, then 4th-Dimensional Healing is for you! However, if you need more convincing then continue to read to learn more about this gem of a book!
4th-Dimensional Healing is a unique book that is unlike anything I have read before. I have read books that involve spirituality and the 4thdimension, however, the books in question have never informed the reader on how to connect with other dimensional beings as well as open up to the 4th dimension! Most of these books say it can only be done by those that are born with a gift, but Randi throughout her enlightening book will show readers that you, even if you are not a medium or gifted in that respect can communicate with other dimensional beings and practice healing… how wonderful is that! Randi will take her readers on an incredible journey and on that journey she will teach her readers on how to develop relationships with other dimensional beings and open up our senses to the fourth dimension. When the reader learns to do this the reader will find their life improving and health improving and this book lovers is the premise of this breath-taking book.
Randi Botnick’s story is sensational, and unlike anything, I have read before. Randi throughout her book will share her experiences and all of her healing techniques and processes. I am amazed by Randi and think she is an incredible woman for deciding to share her knowledge with all readers so that they can be informed and have their life improved. Many readers I believe, think that they can’t explore the 4thdimension but throughout 4th-Dimensional Healing, Randi will inform her readers how to do just this and that to me is really beautiful and will definitely help many readers from all over the world.
Not only is Randi Botnick fantastic for her exceptional abilities and wisdom but she is also incredible for her phenomenal literature and how breath-taking it is. The literature courtesy of Randi is flawless and will flow beautifully throughout from beginning to end. If you are a reader who adores this genre, then you will love this book. As the book is genuinely magnificent, I have no choice but to award it five stars so please, read this book and be enlightened!
Thank you so much for reading book lovers! I appreciate it so much, I love discussing wonderful books with all of you so please comment below and let me know your thoughts on 4th-Dimensional Healing. Do you see yourself reading this book? Do you love the genre? Please let me know your brilliant thoughts below and I will be sure to comment back. Thank you so much again for reading!
Discover how to start and run your own heart-based healing business in the spiritual book 4th-Dimensional Healing (A Guidebook For A New Paradigm of Healing) by Randi Botnick. Learn how to meet and build relationships with your Guides and Spiritual Healing Team, and open channels of communication between you and the spiritual realm. As esoteric healers, it is more important than ever to know how to connect with helpers beyond the physical. You will learn how to identify who you are working with and how they can best help you as you begin your healing sessions. With guided meditations, real-life examples of how to conduct healings, and communicate your impressions and information received during your sessions, this book teaches the healer confidence in the information sent from their Guides. Try the many unique healing techniques taught in the book, first on yourself, then your clients, and watch how your life transforms. Randi Botnick's 4th-Dimensional Healing (A Guidebook For A New Paradigm of Healing) is a comprehensive how-to book on etheric healing techniques. As a Reiki Grand master, Life Coach, and Hypnosis Practitioner, I am just starting to take on paying clients and was feeling a bit apprehensive. Upon reading this book, my confidence in my abilities is now grounded in my heart. When working in the non-physical, it can be hard to know how to navigate translating messages and healings into the physical. The information provided within this book is beyond what many healing courses offer. I am both impressed and grateful to the author for including her experiences, techniques, and depth of knowledge; creating ease and smoothing the way for the energetic healer. It is beneficial to know how an experienced peer conducts a healing session and how their clients respond. Whether you are a Reiki healer, hypnosis practitioner, or other sort of alternative healer, this book is for you. I would especially recommend this book to those that are just starting out in a healing career; this book is a must-read for the spiritual healer. Buy the book Reviewed by Aimee Ann at Red Headed Book Lover What if that which we perceive with our five senses were only a small piece of all there is to experience? In this engaging and provocative book, Randi Botnick offers a well-rounded compilation of spiritual beliefs and learned techniques. Distilling twenty years of experience as an energy healer, she explains the basics of opening our senses to the fourth dimension and creating our own connections with spirit guides and healing teams. 4th-Dimensional Healing offers the information and tools for us all to become comfortable with our gifts and develop relationships with other-dimensional beings. It is replete with information about perceiving and accessing our intuitive abilities, recognizing the energy bodies that influence our physical experience, and understanding the spiritual realm. Also included are examples of the author’s healing techniques and processes. 4th-Dimensional Healing is a profound, beautiful and mesmerizing spirituality book written by the incredibly talented, Randi Botnick whose words will delight and entertain readers from start to finish. Randi throughout her book takes her readers on an unforgettable journey which will move, delight and inspire its readers in many ways. As I read 4th-Dimensional Healing, I felt moved as well as charmed and educated thanks to the incredible words and wisdom laced throughout the book as well as Randi’s charming literature. If you are a reader who is fascinated by the 4th dimension and are looking for healing techniques and processes, and how you can connect with other-dimensional beings, then 4th-Dimensional Healing is for you! However, if you need more convincing then continue to read to learn more about this gem of a book! 4th-Dimensional Healing is a unique book that is unlike anything I have read before. I have read books that involve spirituality and the 4thdimension, however, the books in question have never informed the reader on how to connect with other dimensional beings as well as open up to the 4th dimension! Most of these books say it can only be done by those that are born with a gift, but Randi throughout her enlightening book will show readers that you, even if you are not a medium or gifted in that respect can communicate with other dimensional beings and practice healing… how wonderful is that! Randi will take her readers on an incredible journey and on that journey she will teach her readers on how to develop relationships with other dimensional beings and open up our senses to the fourth dimension. When the reader learns to do this the reader will find their life improving and health improving and this book lovers is the premise of this breath-taking book. Randi Botnick’s story is sensational, and unlike anything, I have read before. Randi throughout her book will share her experiences and all of her healing techniques and processes. I am amazed by Randi and think she is an incredible woman for deciding to share her knowledge with all readers so that they can be informed and have their life improved. Many readers I believe, think that they can’t explore the 4thdimension but throughout 4th-Dimensional Healing, Randi will inform her readers how to do just this and that to me is really beautiful and will definitely help many readers from all over the world. Not only is Randi Botnick fantastic for her exceptional abilities and wisdom but she is also incredible for her phenomenal literature and how breath-taking it is. The literature courtesy of Randi is flawless and will flow beautifully throughout from beginning to end. If you are a reader who adores this genre, then you will love this book. As the book is genuinely magnificent, I have no choice but to award it five stars so please, read this book and be enlightened! Thank you so much for reading book lovers! I appreciate it so much, I love discussing wonderful books with all of you so please comment below and let me know your thoughts on 4th-Dimensional Healing. Do you see yourself reading this book? Do you love the genre? Please let me know your brilliant thoughts below and I will be sure to comment back. Thank you so much again for reading!
In the society today, more people have begun to seek healing by understanding the energetic connection they have with the world around them. They have begun to gravitate to non-traditional forms of healing such as reiki, angel healing, chakra balancing, and other forms of energy healing. 4th - Dimensional Healing is a non-fiction guidebook which explores these fascinating practices. It was written by Randi Botnick, an experienced energy healer. In her book, Randi simplifies energy healing and discusses the energy body which we all possess. She shares meditative mind-body techniques and describes the paranormal healing team which comprises of spirit guides, archangels, Elohim, ascended masters, and alien light-beings.
For a few years now, I have begun exploring meditation and energy healing. I chose this book to read and review because I really wanted to learn more about these things. The book did not disappoint me. Understanding the various types of light beings who can assist us with clearing energy blocks is new to me, but on some level, it rings true. The concept of being connected to everything and everyone on an energetic level definitely resonates with me. It explains why some people dream of future events and why some people can sense large events happening in another part of the world. While reading this book, I thought about the author and for some reason, I guessed that she has curly hair. Strangely, when I completed the book, the last page contained the author’s photo and to my surprise, she has curly hair! Therefore, I think this proves that the author’s concept of connection is indeed quite real.
Two great features of this book are the diagrams and the activities. The diagrams helped me to get a visual image of energy patterns, such as the Flower of Life geometric pattern. The chakra system is also helpful in understanding where the seven main chakras (energy centers) are located in the human body. The book also provides practical activities that anyone can attempt. Two of the more interesting ones are the grounding exercise and the muscle testing technique. There are also excellent exercises for energy healers, one of which provides an insightful activity which details the proper way to send energy through a client’s body in order to help them remove their energy blocks.
My favorite part of the book is the chapter on the spiritual healing team, especially the Elohim. According to Randi, Elohim are the highest level of angelic beings. Some are in the form of grace, hope, harmony, faith, and peace. I have never come across them in the books and meditation courses I have taken so I find their species to be quite fascinating. Just reading about them and their willingness to help humans makes me feel safe and supported.
I am pleased to report that there were zero errors in this book. I am awarding 4th Dimensional Healing an excellent rating - 4 out of 4 stars. It is an interesting and insightful guide to energy healing which will be treasured by Reiki practitioners, energy healers, psychics, and anyone who wants to become more familiar with the benevolent spiritual beings which constantly support 4th-dimensional healing practices.