The "Let's Align!" Series
Introducing the series that combines practical information, spiritual truths, and esoteric teachings.
Purchase this series of 5 classes — a $225 value for
only $97!
Beyond the law of attraction...
Beyond affirmations and mental tools...
Beyond the "tired and true" spiritual techniques...
The Let's Align! series of classes provides you with unique, up-to-the-minute practical tools and universal truth for these pertinent subjects:
- Money and Abundance
- Connecting to your Higher Conscious
- Understanding your Spiritual Awakening
- Creativity and Joy and
- Finding Purpose
Randi Botnick channels the Starseed Nation....
...a galactic federation of Masters, who care about Truth... seeing the holistic truth and providing us with tools and holistic information around your divine awakening — what is means for you and what it means for the planet. The Starseed Nation has the answers to your ascension questions!
seeing the holistic truth and providing us with tools and holistic information
The Masters from the Starseed Nation want nothing more than to reach more and more people with their support and light. Please join us often and let them lift you up as well. Their Love is unconditional their words and energies will raise your vibrational frequency so you can live your birthright.
Randi's Message:
"I have been an energy healer since 1997, and a channel for Galactic energies for the past 10 years. Like you, I have been on a journey of self-discovery that has so far culminated in my offering channeled guidance from this group, calling themselves the Starseed Nation. Four years ago, I left an abusive relationship, exhausted, and spent. I knew that I had to change my life but was not hopeful that it would be all that different. After much rest, finding a loving community and connecting to nature, I grounded into my new world. But I have to say that, since dedicating myself to this work, receiving channeled messages weekly, I have become more at peace and more hopeful than ever before in my life. My greatest wish is that these sessions do the same for you."
This Let's Align! series includes these 5 classes:
Our birthright is abundance. Our birthright is to receive all the gifts that this world has to offer. Our birthright is to be in sync with the flow of prosperity.
Money issues can be scary.
Will there ever be enough?
How will you know when it's enough?
How do I feel safe around money?
What you will get from this class:
Change is Upon Us... Let's See Where We're Headed!
Keycodes in our DNA are programmed to unlock over the next few years, allowing us to remember our Divinity. This is signaling internal changes that may be pushing you in new, uncharted territory.
You are still human and it's okay to sometimes live from your emotions, but you are ready for a shift. You may be wondering:
How do I help myself cope with all the changes?
How do I best stay rooted, grounded and connected to my Self?
How do I make sure my life moves forward with ease and success?
What you will get in this class:
Not Just Another Self-Care Class....
This is not just another class about bubble baths, long walks and hot tea. This is a class about how to nurture the part of you that is emerging.
Our hearts are opening more every day and asking us to change the way we have lived our lives. And that might be confusing. The Starseed Nation, a Galactic Federation of Masters, want to help us all find our way through the maze.
Claim your freedom from anxieties and judgments embedded in the old paradigm.
Claim your freedom from fear of what's coming. (No, we will not have to give up our money and savings.)
Claim your freedom from confusion about incoming paradigms. (Community, sexuality, sustainability, spirituality and more!)
What you will get in this class:
Living your joy is your greatest gift to the planet!
Creativity is the primary force of every human being to birth and sculpt your own reality. Your joy is your authenticity. Much of this power has been untouched, but the urge to tap into your creativity and joy is also becoming stronger.
Our 7-chakra system is unifying into one, Heart-centered chakra. Because of this, you are hearing the call of your heart... your JOY... more and more.
Are you connected to this truth of who you are? How do you know? And how do you optimize this truth into all aspects of your life?
What you will get in this class:
Valuing Your Life
When you are not connected to purpose life feels meaningless... boring... useless....
You question your job....
You question where you are living....
You question your very existence.
You are meant to be here, now! And Purpose — a heart-felt way of living and moving through the world — can be so simple. Let me show you how.
What you will get in this class: