Let’s Align to Money!
Tuesday, Oct. 24 1:00-2:00 pm Eastern ONLINE - FREE Our birthright is abundance. Our birthright is to receive all the gifts that this world has to offer. Our birthright is to be in sync with the flow of prosperity. Money issues can be scary. Will there ever be enough? How will you know when it's […]
Let’s Align with Higher Consciousness!
*FREE* Online Event Change is Upon Us... Let's See Where We're Headed! Keycodes in our DNA are programmed to unlock over the next few years, allowing us to remember our Divinity. This is signaling internal changes that may be pushing you in new, uncharted territory. You are still human and it's okay to sometimes live […]
Let’s Align to Creativity & Joy!
ZoomLiving your joy is your greatest gift to the planet! Tuesday, January 16th 1:00 - 2:00 pm *FREE* Online Creativity is the primary force of every human being to birth and sculpt your own reality. Your joy is your authenticity. Much of this power has been untouched, but the urge to tap into your creativity […]
Let’s Align to Purpose!
ZoomValuing Your Life (An Online Event) FREE * Online Register on Eventbrite When you are not connected to purpose life feels meaningless... boring... useless.... You question your job.... You question where you are living.... You question your very existence. You are meant to be here, now! And Purpose — a heart-felt way of living and […]
Starseed Messages: Your Dose of Truth
ZoomChanneling Beautiful Messages About the Planetary Ascension A Zoom Event - REGISTER HERE For those who are stressed about global situations and impending change For those who are questioning what is going on in the world and in my life For those who are curious about what higher, holistic insights there are for me For […]
Channeled Messages: Moldavite Life, Asheville
Moldavite Life 81 Weaverville Road, Asheville, NC, United StatesAt times when life feels uncertain... At times when it looks as if the world is getting worse rather than better.... At times when your hope is flailing.... This is a galactic federation of Lightbeings, who care about Truth... seeing the holistic truth and providing us with insights for mental, emotional and soul growth. These […]