I have been thinking about you! I hope you are well as we as a society make our way through this confusing and chaotic time.
How can we not be aware of the fear that is permeating our environments? After all, what will this virus mean to us, to our loved ones, to our jobs and our livelihoods? The messages from political officials and the media hit us in the place where we realize we have no control. Add to that past life memories of other widespread disease and plagues, and we feel like we don’t know where to turn.
Please hold in your mind that many people are recovering from this flu. Remember, too, that life and death are the givens. We never know how long we have in this incarnation, and afterwards we return safely to spirit to live many other times over.
The best any of us can do is train our minds to stay present. Experience the here-and-now for what it is: confused, chaotic, safe. The more we stay present, the more mental and physical energy we have for difficult times… if and when they arrive.
Your sophisticated physical body exists because of the intelligence of your cells. And the intelligence of your cells exists because of their Connection to Source Energy.
In the absence of negative emotion—and therefore the allowance of complete alignment and communication with Source Energy—your physical body can reclaim its balance and recover from any imbalance. And once balance has resumed, it is easy to maintain with consistently good-feeling thoughts.
Excerpted from Abraham-Hicks’ Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditation CD and User Guide.
I am including some tips below for supporting your immune system and staying healthy, along with the things you already know (eat well, hydrate, sleep, exercise). If you have known me for a while these may not be new to you, but still serve as a good reminder.
And if you have questions about where to buy these — or anything else — please write them in the response form here so everyone can see the answers.
The best supplements to keep on hand include Vitamin D-3, a good Probiotic, and Epicore. Healthy Origins makes Epcior, and I have taken it for years as a flu prevention. (It is Dried Yeast Fermentate. One a day can potentially keep the flu at bay.) For lung issues: NAC, White Lung Formula and Serrapeptase.
There are so many on the market including Colloidal Silver, Cordyceps (mushrooms), VX Compound, Oregano Oil, Life Extension’s FlorAssist Winter Immune Support.
Flower Essences
Every flower on the planet has the ability to heal our issues. And flower essences are vibrational remedies, so incur no allergic reaction or interference with other medications. Recommendations include:
Mimilus – for fears of everyday life
Filaree – obsessive worry and compulsion for world events
White Chestnut – Repetitious, unwanted thoughts and worry
Tomato – Antiviral