(This is a message directly channeled from the Federation of Councils in January 2023. Please excuse any language or grammar that isn’t proper. These are their words, not mine.)
There is a great wave coming in 2023. A great disruption. We see it like a wave of water being pulled out into the ocean gathering power, cresting and beginning to find its way up and back towards shore. This is a wave of Truth. This is a wave of disruption.
It will leave many uncomfortable… it will leave many at a loss. The loss will come as great foundations that have been laid and trusted and believed in for millennia will begin to crash falter and fall. This will leave many clamoring for understanding… what is actually the truth… what is actually the truth?
But for others… for you… you have tools that you have been building on for the last two, five even 10 years. Tools for inner peace, centering, connection. And you will be asked to practice and hone your skills with these tools. This is the time It’s finally the time.
We ask you to go inside yourself — falling, falling, falling into your heart and even lower down. Down, down into your root. We ask that you connect deeply into the planet, the Earth, your Mother, for this is actually where truth resides. Your truth. Your inner truth resides through your connection with the Mother. This is where you find, again, your center, your compass your true north, as they say, to take your next steps forward.
Now, just understand that these next steps may not look in any way like the steps prior did. The past is now truly becoming the past and the future now is truly becoming new and unknown. Please revel in this knowledge. Celebrate this reality. It’s what you are here for. No matter what your age, no matter what your status, if you are reading to this, we know it is because you are heralding in the new as you very clearly release the old and let it go… and let it go… and let it go. Knowing — please, please — knowing what vast benefit this will be for humanity. Thank you.
The Federation is adamant about helping us prepare for what seems like big changes on the horizon, and have asked me to provide an outlet for information, insights and tools to help us on all levels of our being. If you would like to receive current messages like this twice a week, join my Weekly Dose of Truth program anytime.