We live in a world of polarity, where we base our experiences, likes and dislikes, desires and goals on comparisons. Our opinions of better/worse, fun/boring, rich/poor, etc. all come out of our experiences and our awarenesses.
At its origin, earth was contrived this way so that we, Divine beings, could have an infinite number of options as to how we chose to shape our lives. When we see or feel something that is uncomfortable or not within our wanting, we have the impetus to choose differently and the power change the experience. Over the course of history, living in dense, heavy physical energies, we were not able to feel or remember that power, which often resulted in, instead, feeling victimized by events and situations. Earth felt like some kind of punishment… a banishment from God and Heaven.
The energies on Earth have become lighter over these last 50 years, and the veil between this physical world and the spiritual one from which we have all come is thinner. Human beings are changing as well. DNA is shifting and new strands are activating, so that more of our soul is accessible. It is said that even just twenty years ago only about 10% of our soul incarnated into the body. Now it is said that 25% of the entirety of our soul is in the body.
This allows us to access deeper parts of our higher knowledge and the power that comes from it. No longer do we need to believe in ourselves as victims. And as we tap into that part of us that is pure Spirit and Divinity, we tap into our ability to create… to manifest… the reality we choose to live in. We are capable of perceiving that this life can be positive and meet all our needs. We are able to have heaven here on earth.
Along with this choice, is the understanding that everyone else is also capable of making his and her own choices. We are each here to express ourselves in whatever way suits our individual personalities (some do this more consciously than others). And there are an infinite number of possibilities here on Earth, this planet of free will.
The method for creating Heaven on earth is a simple one: rescind all judgments and merely become aware. It is from this place of awareness that we can focus on our wants and desire, those things that fill our hearts with Love, instead of on what is irritating… or worse. Focusing on our heart’s desires creates the circumstances necessary to perceive heaven.
God, the Source of All There Is, has filled Earth with memories of Heaven. They are all here for us to partake of so we can remember who we really are and where we really came from. A warm sun, the power of crystals, the most amazing chocolaty desert, a motorcycle ride down a country road, mind-blowing sex, puppies and kittens… all of the things that raise the awareness of joy in our five senses are little bits of Heaven here, on earth.
(As I write this I am aware that not everyone will have the same responses to the things that my heart warms to. And that’s perfectly fine. That is, exactly, the result of free will, which constitutes different personalities and predilections.)
Follow this step-by-step approach to actualizing your desires into reality so life becomes more positive and heart-felt:
First, decide who you want to be, how you want to express that, and what you want to attract into your life. Second, connect with your higher Self, the part of you that enters through the area just below the back of your neck and settles in your heart. Concretely state to your Higher Self what you want to pull into your life. Then, ask your Higher Self, the part that knows your highest Truth, what it wants.
It is of utmost importance to keep your mind open to all possibilities, and give it time. It takes some time to change course, and move in a new direction. Additionally, don’t expect a direct, verbal answer from this part of your Self. Instead, keep your eyes open and notice what comes into your life. Stay aware… of the people, situations, opportunities, suggestions and gifts that are attracted to you.
As you attract more of what you want, life begins to feel better. When you feel better, you attract more of what you want. The cycle perpetuates itself, spinning out bigger and bigger. And soon it will truly feel like Heaven is on Earth.