From the Starseed Nation, a group of galactic Masters:
We come to you in Love.
And we surround you now with the flowers of new life. We paint these flowers yellow and orange and green. These colors signify a depth of positivity.
Imagine this, as we place these flowers in a crown around your head, as an offering to your heart, and as we spread petals beneath your feet. You are walking a new earth. You are moving into a time of new energies. You have a myriad of new opportunities in front of you.
The cold that you feel as you go outside gives the illusory effect of stillness and quiet. Historically the depth of winter brings fear and worry, hunger and hardship. But you who read this today need not experience any of those issues any longer. The winter months are merely another time of year, a time of contrast to the warmer summer months.
You may find inner growth comes easier now. You may find ideas and opportunities coming your way. This work, always done on the inner levels of your being, begins to manifest physically as the days go on. Keep the hope alive in your heart. Keep optimism alive in your mind. You know not what is around the corner for you. Just know it will look and feel like something new, like something different.
Stay with your Self. Meaning, stay centered, and take time for inner contemplation. This is where change initiates. We are here with you, walking by you as you embark on this chapter. Thank you.
January 19,2024
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